Wednesday 31 December 2014

My 2014 + New year's resolutions ☺

Hey guys!
It's the last day of 2014 today, for me at least, it just turned 2015 in Sydney at this very moment how crazy is that? Anyways, I was thinking about all the things that happened in 2014 and thought I would share that with you guys because I love you (aww so sweet of me, no really thank you for the support I really do love you) So let's get started! (:

2014 wasn't always that positive for me because it was the year I realized you can't please everyone and you can't stay friends with everybody (if you want me to do a full blog post on that let me knw in the comments!) even though you're doing your best to keep them in your life. But I also learned that that's totally fine, people come and go, sometimes some people have to go to make place for new people (:
But losing friends also had a positive side to it for me because I found out who my 'real friends' are and I am super glad I have them (: I always say, 'rather few good friends than a lot of fake friends'
I also had a period in 2014 where I was just not interested in anything and I would always make up excuses so I wouldn't have to to something or go somewhere. I also wasn't motivated at all for school and I hope that that's gonna be different in 2015 (:

2014 was also the year I cut my hair short and I actually wanted to donate it but it wasn't long enough so I just cut it off anyway. Sometimes I regret this choice because I loved my long hair and I knew so many cute hairstyles that I can't do now, but hair grows back so I just have to wait (:
My parents don't want me to let it grown back because they hated my long hair haha. Oh and I also have this crazy idea of having my hair ombré, let me know if you think I should do it or not (:

Another exciting thing that happened in 2014 is that I started working! Here in Belgium you can start a student job from the age of 16. The main reason I started working is because I'm going to Greece with my school next year and my parents always said that if I want to go I'll have to pay for it myself. But I also started working just because a little bit extra money once in a while comes in very handy! And I don't know why but since I started working (I work as a waitress in a restaurant) I gained a lot of confidence and I really do like my job! It pays well and the people I have to work with are all very nice (:

And last but not least: I started my blog in 2014! This blog is only 5 months old (:
I've had the idea of starting a blog in my mind since probably 2013 but I didn't start one because I was afraid what people would think of it but now I really don't care and I am very happy with the support I get, even though that's not a lot but even if I had only 1 reader I would be so thankful because it's crazy to think that people even find my blog I mean, I don't get how they find it because it isn't famous at all. So I just wanna say a big thank you to all of you and I hope that you will keep on supporting me trough 2015 and the years after that because I just love writing on my blog and I have a lot of fun ideas for future blog posts! (:

Now on to my new year's resolutions:
-Put more effort into school and my hobbies
-Don't let people down
-Care less about what people will think
-Pick up my (actually my dad's) camera and start taking pictures for this blog
- Save money so I can buy my own camera
I don't really like making resolutions but I think these are definitely some resolutions I can accomplish! (:

I hope you have an amazing New Year's and I hope you have an awesome 2015, I have a really good feeling about 2015 so let's make it awesome together! (:
I hope you liked this post (sorry if it's a bit long) and I will see you in 2015! (:
Love you sosososososo much!

Cato (twitter: @xCato__)

Sunday 28 December 2014

New Year's Eve Outfit Ideas

Hey guys! I'm back! I'm so sorry I didn't write a blogspost in a while but I was just super busy with exams and the holidays and stuff, I'm still kind of busy right now but I saw a lot of NYE outfit ideas and I thought 'you know what? I wanna make an outfit post' so here I am, at 2AM, writing an outfit blog post! I put together 3 gorgeous outfits that would be absolutely perfect for NYE! As I was putting these together I fell in love with them and wanted to buy them so I really love them and I hope you do too! (:

Can we just take a moment of silence for these adorable shoes please? They are probably my favourite shoes ever (even though I don't own them) I just can't get over how cute they are! The playsuit is also very adorable I must say. Put these two together and bam! Perfect outfit! (:

Playsuit: New Look
Shoes: New look

Once again: those shoes! I think I'm a shoe person haha! I just thought these silver shoes would really bring out the silver of the dress plus they are amazing soooo..
The dress is so cute like, I can't even begin to tell you how much I want to buy it right now!

Dress: New Look
Shoes: New Look

This is my favourite outfit of them all. I currently really got into leather skirts and I think that top just looks perfect with it! I love how it's gold and shiny but not too gold and shiny, get what I mean? This is the first outfit I put together and after I made this one I really had to resist myself from buying it. I don't know what it is but I am completely in love! The top is also cropped so I think it's perfect for this skirt.

Top: New Look
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: New Look

There you go, I hope you like these outfits and you've got a little bit of inspiation for your NYE outfit (:
Oh btw, you may have noticed that all of the clothing pieces are from New Look, I am not sponsored by them or anything (I wish haha), and I also didn't plan this or anything, I just really seem to like what they have in store at the moment (:
See you guys soon! Happy holidays, love you! <3

Cato (twitter: @xCato__ )

Sunday 14 December 2014

It's okay.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I haven't posted a blog post in a very long time but I was really busy with school because the exams started last week (I still have one to go) but today I want to take the time to write this post because I wanted to write this one for a long time and thought now was the right time. I hope this post helps a few you because I just want you to know that everything is gonna be okay (:
So let's begin.

I just got out of a very bad period (still not completely out of it though) where I just felt sad and unaccepted and I didn't want to do anything or go anywhere and stuff like that. And whenever someone would ask me if I'm okay I would always say yes even though, I really wasn't but I just didn't want to bore them with my problems because I thought they didn't care. But to be honest, I really think they did because if you're friends ask if everything is okay, they really want to know if you are and they want you to tell them if you aren't, because that's what friends are for isn't it? And if you're like me and are going through so much at the same time, talking realy does help. I kept my problems for myself for a very long time and that wasn't a good thing to do. And then one night, when I just couldn't take it anymore, I called a friend of mine and just told her everything, and you what she said? She said: "I wish you told this earlier so I could've helped you". And then I realised that it's okay to tell your problems to someone. So if you reading this, are dealing with some problems, call someone who can help you or just go up to your parents and tell them because believe me, they do care and do want to help you!

Another thing I have been dealing with recently is having to let go of some friends. The thing is, my 'best friend' isn't talking to me anymore and we kind of just aren't really friends anymore and in the beginning, this bothered me a lot because she did mean a lot to me but you can't please everyone and some friendships just don't last forever, and I realised that now. I sometimes still wish it was different but some people come and stay but some just come and then leave after a while, and also that is okay. You can impossibly keep everyone in your life. And when it's one of your best friends that decides to leave, it hurts at first but you still have your other friends and they didn't leave, you just have to accept the fact that people leave and new people come. And once again, if this bothers you, talk to someone about it, they might give you helpful advise and you might realise you are okay with them leaving.

And one last thing I want to talk about is being alone. This might seem scary to some people, having to go shopping alone, or just walking alone somewhere. Believe me, I had serious problems with this. I just always kept thinking that people would think I'm weird because I'm walking alone but they really don't care! They won't think you don't have any friends or something like that, they won't even think anything. They won't even see you probably (don't take this wrong) So it is okay to go somewhere by yourself, I even recommend it, I went shopping alone recently and I actually really enjoyed it, you just don't have to pay attention to anyone else and can just really focus on yourself and go to shops you want and stuff (:

I don't know if this post makes any sense but I just wanted to let you know that it's okay to be alone, sad, .. And it's also okay to talk to someone about that because you never know what great advice they might have! (:
Don't keep a problem you have for yourself for a long time because that will only make you more sad (:

I hope this helped a few of you because I don't want you to be sad (:
If you have any problems and you think you have nobody to talk to, you do, and if you want you can even talk to me, just send me something on twitter and I will be glad to help you! (:



Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Liebster Award

Hi guys, I recently got nominated for the Liebster Award by Bria Lou from Lou's world and I am so thankful for that because I think it's an awesome initiative so thanks Lou! (:
The Liebster Award is a fun way to discover new blogs and bloggers. I love to discover new blogs so I really like this idea (:

These are the rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and link back to their blog
3. Write 11 random facts about yourself
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve the award and have less than 500 followers
5. Answer 11 questions posted by whoever nominated you and ask your nominees 11 questions

11 random facts about me:
1. I have freckles
2. I love the winter
3. I love to write
4. I want to do voluntary work
5. I always want the people around me to be happy
6. I don't like fake people
7. I'm shy at first, until you get to know the real me
8. I love reading
9. I almost never wear pants, I usually wear skirts and dresses
10. I turned 16 this year
11. I have been excited for Christmas since September (I know, it's bad)

Lou's questions:
1. How did you get your blog name?
When I was little, I really loved Little Miss Sunshine, so therefor, my blog name is Little Miss Cato, and I think it sounds pretty cute as well (:

2. Apple or Android?

3. Do you wear make-up?
Yes, but not for school (ain't nobody got time for that), I just wear makeup when I go out or for special occasions (:

4. What are your top 3 favourite movies of all time?
Seven pounds, Frozen, The maze runner

5. Who is your favourite blogger with under 200 followers?

6. Who is your favourite YouTuber with under 500,000 subscribers?
Mark Ferris! He so cute and funny and he answers to a lot of his comments and he's also really sweet!

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Being able to share my thougts with the rest of the internet and just doing what I love basically (:

8. If you had to live in a fantasy world, which one would it be?
The world where the Care Bears live in

9. What is your favourite season and why?
Winter, I just like it that you can layer up and be all cozy and warm! And Christmas is also in this season and I love Christmas soooo

10. What do you want to achieve by the time you're 20 years older than you are now?
I want to have made a change in someone's life, just 1 person would be enough, if I could make a change in the lifes of more people, that would be even better

11. What are your favourite posts to write and read?
Just, chatty posts, telling people what you have done and what you like (:
And also outfit posts (:

I nominate: 
Vicky (she's from Belgium as well!)
Just click on these names and you will be taken do their wonderful blogs! (:

My questions: 
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. Winter or summer? And why?
3. What do you want to do for a living?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What is your most embarrassing moment?
6. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or the past?
7. What kind of music do you like?
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
9. What do you like most, giving presents or receiving presents and why?
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
11. Is there anyting you want to change about yourself? If yes: what and why?

Thanks again to Lou for nominating me, I really loved doing this and I hope the people I nominated do to (:

Thanks everybody for the support!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Part of the next blogger network" width="170" height="145px"/></a>

Saturday 22 November 2014

Some facts about me (:

Hey guys!
I know it's been quite a long time since I've written a blog postn but here I am, writing a new blog post (: YAY! 
So this post is going to be full of facts about me that you probably don't know yet (unless you're a detective or a really good stalker)
Let's begin!

♥ I dance: I've been dancing since I was 3 or 4 years old and I still absolutely love it, when I'm dancing, I feel free and I can really give myelf (:

I act: I think it's pretty obvious that I like to be on a stage haha. But I have been acting for about 7 years now and once again, when I'm acting, I can really give myself and be someone else for a moment.

I live in Belgium, you might already know this, but for those who don't: I live in Belgium. If you don't know where Belgium is: google it! Since I live in Belgium, my native language is Dutch (well, Flemish actually but that's the same)  Fun fact: 'French fries' aren't actually from France, but they are from Belgium. We also have the chocolate and the beer (: 

 I have one sister and two brothers, my sister is 19, my older brother is 17 (18 in December) and my younger brother is 15 (: 

 My sister is in LA for nine months and I'm really jealous of her haha! (She'll be back in May) But there are some positive things of her leaving: I can use her room (her room is twice the size of mine) and I get to wear the clothes she left here!

I was born on 20 May 1998, that makes me 16 years old now (:

I am afraid of butterflies, don't ask why but they just scare me. Everytime I tell this to someone they always think I'm weird.

 I am obsessed with youtubers, the youtubers I love the most are Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella), Tanya Burr, Niomi Smart, Louise (aka Sprinkleofglitter), Joe Sugg (aka thatcherjoe), Alfie Deyes (aka pointlessblog), Marcus Butle, Tyler Oakley, Connor Franta, Caspar Lee, all the O2L members,...

I love to bake Whenever guests come over, my mom always asks me to bake something (:

I am a big fan of One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer, I'm actually going to a concer of 5SOS in May! I AM SO EXCITED! One direction is also coming to Belgium but that's during the exams so I can't go :(

I am obsessed with The Vampire Diaries! Team Damon ftw! I love the new season and I really can't wait untill the new episode!

 I'm not so good with keeping my room clean, I just put on five different outfits before I found the one I'm going to wear sooooo yeah

I'm addicted to shopping, I will always find an oportunity to go shopping

 I'm a girly girl, I love to wear cute dresses and skirts (:

I love Chinese food! Everytime my parents ask me what I want to eat, my answer is always 'Chinese' or Kebab, kebab is good as well.

I love to be surrounded by my friends, I don't have that many friends but I know I can count on them

My parents don't know I have a blog, and when they do, they probably won't understand it

My favourite drink is a Chai Tea Latte, I recently discovered this and I'm in love with it!

I can speak French but that's only because that's my second language (I have to learn it in school)

I want to live in the UK, I just think that the UK is a beautiful country (and the people there have awesome accents)

Those were all the facts that I could think of but I hope you got to know me a little better and that you liked this blog post (;
If there's anything else you want to know about me, just aks! (:

(Follow me on twitter: @xCato__ )

Wednesday 29 October 2014


IT'S ALMOST HALLOWEEN!! I can't wait! I don't know why, but this year I'm over excited for Halloween. I can't wait to celebrate Halloween with my friends and do all kind of Halloween related things! (:
So for this blog post, I'm going to show you things you can do with your friends for Halloween and there will also be some Halloween outfits (:
Let's get started!

This is one of my favourite things to do on Halloween! You be as creative as you want to be and you can never go wrong! (:
I have put together 2 outfits that are perfect for Halloween!

Outfit 1:
I actually think this outfit is supercute but still absolutely perfect for Halloween!
Oh and btw, the shirt is glow in the dark, awesome right?

Skirt: River Island
Shirt: New Look
Over the knee socks: Topshop
(here's a link too a really cool skeleton makeup tutorial:

Outfit 2:
I think you can say this one isn't as obvious as the previous outfit but it kind of makes me think about a vampire. And with your makeup you can create a vampire look so it's easier for people to know what you are or you can just leave it as it is because I really like this outfit! (the shoes are my favourite haha)

Pants: River Island
Kimono: River Island
Top: River Island
                                                                                    Shoes: River Island


- Carving pumpkins, my favourite thing to do on Halloween! You can do whatever you want with it, if you want to carve a cat, go ahead and carve ahead, let your creativity go crazy!

- Bake Halloween cupcakes, baking cupcakes is fun but baking Halloween cupcakes is even more fun! Last year I saw Zoe (aka Zoella) and Alfie (aka Pointlessblog) bake Halloween cupcakes and I made them, it's really easy and so much fun to do!

- Bake a Halloween pizza: pizza is fun, Halloween is fun, so pizza+halloween = double fun! It's really easy and really yummy, believe me!

Watch scary movies, to end your day, you can relax in the sofa, take a Halloween cupcake you just made and watch a scary movie! Here are some films you can watch:
  -The Conjuring

I hope this post gave you a bit of inspiration for Halloween and if you do anything that's in here, let me know in the comments! Also let me know what you're gonna be for Halloween this year (:



(follow me on twitter: @xCato__ )

Monday 6 October 2014

September favourites ♥

September is over, so I thought, why not share the things I have been loving throughout September with the rest of the world? So here it is, a post full of things I have been loving this September,it are beauty related products as well as just random things, enjoy! (:

♥ Zara handbag: I have been using this bag for school and I absolutely love it! Not only because it's the perfect size for school but also because it's a very pretty bag! (I have gotten a lot of compliments with it!) If you don't like the pink part or you think it doesn't really go with your outfit, you can just take it out! (it's actually kind of like an iPad 'case')

♥ UNE youth serum faundation: I don't wear makeup every day, (I only wear it when I go to a party or for special occasion) but when I do wear makeup, I use this foundation and I really like it! It doesn't have a very high coverage and that's just what I'm looking for because I have freckles and I don't want them to all of a sudden disappear (: 
(this foundation also works very hydrating!)

♥ Sephora Pore refining serum and Sephora Blemish-fighting roll-on gel: If you're having a hard time dealing with spots and blemishes, this is what you need! The pore refining serum makes your face look soooooo clean! I really see the difference! And the roll-on gel works wonders! If you have a big fat spot, just roll it on and it disappears after 2 days (maybe even sooner) I just really love them! 

♥Timotei Intense Nutrition Shampoo: this is an all natural shampoo and it just makes my hair feel super soft and it smells amazing! I purchased this one in France and it's almost empty so I hope I can find it here as well! 

♥ My slippers: They might not be the most beautiful slippers but they are super soft and super warm! I bought these at (flying) tiger and they were only 4 euros! It's maybe weird that I put these in a September favourites but since September hasn't been that warm, I have been wearing them quite a lot! (:
I'm so proud of this picture haha

♥ Ed Sheeran - X : I might be late on this one but I just rediscovered (is that a word?) this album and I fell in love with it every time I listened to it! The songs are just so simple and honest, I find them very relaxing after a day of school (:

That is it for my September favourites, I hope you liked it (:
Let me know in the comments what you've been loving throughout September (:

xoxo. Cato

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Are you happy? ☺

If the answer to the question in the titel is no, read this post, it's full of tips that can make you happier  (: I hope it helps (:
Note: You can also read it if the answer is yes, so you can keep some tips in mind

♥Count your blessings: Just think about the moments/things you are grateful for. These don't have to be big, it's all in the little things! (:

♥Relax: After a stresful day, it's nice to just sit down and do nothing! What I like to do when I'm feeling down or if I just want to relax is taking a bath And just basically pampering myself . (Especially with Lush products)

♥Love: Give love to the people that you like and take the love that is given to you! And I'm not only talking about the 'boyfriend-girlfriend' kind of love, but just love in general (from a friend, your family,...)

♥Achieve your goals (or get closer to achieving them): Once again, those goals don't have to be huge. A small goal like 'get good grades' or 'make my hair look fab for 1 day' can be enough!

♥Write: If you are feeling sad about something, write about it, it helps. I have this little notebook where I write down all of my 'problems'. Even the small and silly ones (:

♥Talk: If writing doesn't help and you want someone to give you advice or anything, talking to a good friend also helps. Don't ever feel like they will be annoyed or that you're bothering them, they really aren't! Friends are there to talk to (:

♥Lower your expectations: Sometimes you feel disappointed when something doesn't go the way you wanted it to go. If you just wouldn't have had high expectations, you wouldn't have been disappointed (: Just don't expext anything, you'll always be happy by the way it turns out! (:

♥Smile! If other people see you smiling, they will start smiling as well (:

♥And last but not least: DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!

This was just a quick little blog post that I have been wanting to do for a long time (: I hope you liked it and that some these tips helped you (:
If you have some other tips, let me know in the comments! I would love to know what you do to make yourself happy (:

Have a good day!
xoxo, Cato

P.S.: A September favourites blog post is coming soon! (:

Monday 25 August 2014

Back to school!

Hey y'all! I'm back! Yay!
I didn't post anything for a while because I was busy visiting family and friends and the kind of stuff you do when you don't have school for 2 months. 
But, those 2 months are almost over (I know, it's sad), so that means I will be going back to school soon, very soon. So because of that I decided to write a 'back to school' blog post. 
I know some of you have already started a new school year (I apologise for being late) but you know, you can always read this and keep things that you like in mind for next year! (Or not, that's up to you)
I'm going to split this up in different categories to make it a bit more easy to read. (you can also skip parts if you're like 'I really don't want to read this')

It sounds a lot more serious than it actually is but I always like to prepare myself a little bit before the first day of school. And with preparing I mean cleaning out my desk and make sure it's nice and clean for the new school year. I sometimes even buy new supplies and stuff. Even a new backpack if I'm tired of my old one. 
But for me, preparing also means that I start to go to bed earlier because during these 2 months, I always stayed up late and slept 'til noon. So on September 1, it will be hard to get up at 7am again. Therefor, I start going to bed earlier so I get used to a different sleeping pattern (:

This is most likely the most important or stressing thing of the whole 'going back to school' thing. It is for me. This part isn't so interesting for those of you who have to wear a uniform in school so I am very sorry! If however, you would like me to write a post about that, just let me know and I will write one for you! (Even if only one girl asks)
So, for those of you who don't have to wear a uniform, I think we can all say that your outfit of the first day of school as to be absolutely perfect because you know, first impression and stuff. So I am going to show you 2 outfits that are perfect for the first day of school (:

 Outfit 1: This outfit is super simple but so pretty! I really like the color of the skirt.   
And those shoes! I really love them. You can wear this outfit the best with some  black tights (:                   Top: New Look Skirt: New Look Shoes: River Island Necklace: New Look
Outfit 2: Can we just talk about the cuteness of that top? When I saw it I was just like, I need this! I just paired it with some black high waisted jeans and some black loafers, simple but cute! Oh and thee top has great quality! 
Top: Zara Jeans: Boohoo (you can just take any pair of black high waisted jeans)  Shoes: New Look

I would do my own 'tutorial' but, I recently cut my hair short and have no idea what to with it (I just either curl or straighten it) Soooooo, I was thinking of a solution and I thought 'Why not search a youtube video with amazing hairstyles and put it on here?' Aaaaand I didn't have to look far at all! I recently watched Bethany Mota's 'Back to school hairstyles' videos and just LOVED all of the hairstyles she created (you might already have seen this video, but I'm putting it in anyway!) And I mean, it's Bethany Mota, don't we all love her?

So that is it for this 'Back to school blog post' I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! Let me know in the comments if you are excited for the new school year and what your 'first day of school outfit' is going to be (:
 And remember; school might not be fun but try to make the most out of it and you'll be fine, before you know it's summer again (:
I wish you all the best of luck this school year! (Also the ones that have already started)
Love you loads!

xoxo, Cato
(Follow me on twitter:

Sunday 10 August 2014

Feeling accepted and being part of a group

Today's post is about a subject that I feel like every teenager has to deal with at least once. And that's (as you probably already know from the title) to feel accepted and to be part of a group because being a teenager is all about finding out who you really are, where you belong, what you really like etc...
For some people this can be harder than for others... 

We find being part of a group very important because we feel like we're accepted by that group for who we really are. We also feel like we belong somewhere. And that's a great feeling, but being part of a group isn't always that easy. We will sometimes be part of a group because we feel like we have no other choice. We feel like, if we're not part of that specific group, people will make fun of us or judge us. But isn't being part a group about having the chance to be yourself? And once you feel like you have to change something about yourself (even if it is something ridiculously small) to fit in, to be part of that group, you stop being yourself. Don't ever change who you are just be part of a group! It's really not worth it because there is another group that will accept you for who you are and won't judge you. If you have to try to belong somewhere, stop trying because also that is not worth it, believe me, I recently had to deal with it myself and it really isn't worth it. There are people out there, probably even closer than you think, that will accept you without having to try. If you feel left out or not accepted, talk about it! Talking about it really does help, it doesn't matter to who, a friend (who you can be yourself with), your parents, a teacher or even your diary, it helps! 

The most important thing is to hold to who really are. Because if you aren't yourself anymore, who or what are you? Also, when you meet new people, don't pretend to be someone else, be yourself, and if they don't like the real you, it's their loss! People judge, that's just human nature. And so what if they judge you? As long as you feel comfortable they can judge as much as they want because you know better!
Don't waist some of the best years of your life trying to be someone you're not. Find a group (even if it is a small one) where you can be yourself with and your teenage years will be so much more fun! 

A thing that I also learned is to not care too much about what people will think about you. Being yourself also means expressing yourself (using, clothes, appearance, ...) A quote I like to use is: 'Don't dress for them, dress for you' And it means don't care about what they'll think. Care about what you think and feel. It's so much easier being yourself than being someone else. And that 'rule' is not only fr your clothes it's for everything, do what you like not what you think others will like. Because you are not like others, everybody is different and unique in their own way. The world would be a boring place if everybody was the same wouldn't it?

Finding yourself is a part of being teenager and sometimes it's hard but as long as you're yourself, everything should be okay! And once you've figured it out, enjoy it! Do the things you want to do woth the people you want to do those things with!

I think the biggest message behind this post is pretty obvious: BE YOURSELF!

I hope you enjoyed this post because I would like to make more of these if they help people (:
I know I kinda said the same thing all te time but I just hope you understand me (:

xoxo, Cato
(follow me on twitter: @xCato__ )

P.S.: I was listening to this song recently and it perfectly describes this blog post : Colbie Caillat - Try , listen to it, it's amazing! (:

Thursday 31 July 2014

Camp 2014

Hey there!
I know I already put up a blog post yesterday (that one was scheduled because  wasn't sure if I was going to have wifi) but I was looking at the pictures camp and felt like writing a blog post about it (:
I went to France for 10 days with the youth movement I'm in (:

Now on to camp...

19 July, 4.30 am, my alarm. Time to get up!
Changing in my youth movement outfit, grab everything I need in the car and leave at 5.15 am.
We were kinda late so everyone was already there waiting for the bus to arrive. I was kinda very tired so don't really remember it in detail but the bus arrived, the kids said their goodbyes, got in the bus and the bus left right on time!
A little while after the bus left, we did too! We had a 10 hour car journey ahead of us!

Around 8 pm. We arrived at our destination and went for dinner because we hadn't eaten yet. When we left the reastaurant, the bus was nowhere to be seen yet. We don't know how but the bus arrived around 11.30 pm (they drove for 16 hours with minimal stops)
But there was pizza waiting for them at the camp house so everything was okay!
the whole group walking to the camp house (I'm the one at the right with the sweater)

20 July, 8 am, there's the music to wake us up! I wasn't ready to wake up that early yet but I'll get used to it!
We just played some games (in the theme) this day and had loads of fun! It did start to rain but we didn't care!

21 July, 7am, we had to wake up an hour earlier today because we were going somewhere. But where? We didn't know until we arrived..
When the bus arrived at it's destination we saw we were going to do 'via ferrata' (aka, rockclimbing). At first I was kind of afraid to do that because I have a big fear of falling and I start to panic when I don't know what to do. But once I started I really enjoyed it! Sometimes it was hard to place your feet and hands but it all went well and I got the feeling that I accomplished something (:
And the view was absolutely stunning!
We went back to the camp house in the afternoon and played some more games (:

Just me climbing rocks and stuff

Oh so pretty! (not the best weather but it's the view that counts)

22 July, 6.30 am, even earlier than yesterday, time to get up! We're going on a daytrip. Once again, we didn't know where we were going, the only thing we knew was that we had to wear our bathing suits. After a 3hour long journey, we arrived at Aqualand! The weather was perfect, so I had a lot of fun! The only bad thing about that day was that there was a lot of people so the queues for the slide were superlong!
Since there aren't any pictures from in the park, here's a map to give you an idea of how awesome it was

23 July, 8am, finally, the normal hour to get up! We weren't going anywhere so it would be a normal day (:
When they woke us up, they said: "Go look in the toilet, there's a hint for today's game" So we went to the toilet and found a letter in a bottle inside the toilet (nobody had been to the toilet so chill) That letter was the introduction to the game...
I guess I trusted here a bit too much.. haha

Easier than it looks

24 July, 8am, a normal day once again, at least, that's what we thougt...
When lunch was over they had some news, the two oldest group were going on a two-day trip! We had one hour to get ready, pack our backpack and go! The first day, we were going to the place where we were going to sleep by kayak and the second day we were walking home

25 July, 8.30 am, a bit too late but it felt like 5am because I barely slept. We had breakfeast and got ready to go back, by foot. But not me.. I had turned my foot the night before and it still hurted a bit. They told me that if I was going to walk with them, it would only get worse, so I had to get back to the camp house... But I did go on the group picture! Haha

26 July, 8am, normal day, with superfun games in the theme, it was hot that day so we went for a swim in the river right next to the camp house, I didn't go in the water because it was quite cold. Instead I did some stone skipping (I just learned it then). For the rest, we played games once again in the theme (:

Wow, I look so amused

27 July, 8am, normal time, normal day. Games, once again in theme (it was Dora and Diego that day so I was superenthousiastic!)
The first challenge was to collect 8 eggs by asking people (in French!) , we ended up collecting 2... Well at least we tried right? It was also very hot that day so we went swimming again, this time I went in the water as well!
 In the evening it was what we call 'free podium'. Each group prapares an act to perform (nothing too good or serious) Me and my group recreated the clip of '#SELFIE' it was lame but funny. After the free podium we all got T-shirts and had a little party (:
We also went late night swimming
They tried to push me under, they didn't succeed

28 July, 8am, the last day... I was suuuuuuuuupertired! Everybody was tired and sad to go...

Et voila, now you have an idea of how my camp has been, I had an awesome time and really miss it! I hope you liked this (rather long) post (:
See you next time!

xoxo. Cato

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Summer outfit ideas

Summer is one of those times when we go shopping because we feel like we need new clothes for the new season (at least I do). So I went on some clothing sites and found some really pretty things! The outfits in this blogpost aren't outfits that I own but it are definetely outfits that I will wear myself, they are also not pricey at all ('cause you know, I'm not rich or anything)!  (: 
I hope you like them and that you'll even purchase some of the items.
Enjoy (:
(If you click on the shop names it will take you directly to the item, you're welcome!)


This outfit is really cute and classy but still fun and cool because of the pineapple skirt. Because the skirt  is pretty tight, I chose for a bit of a looser top. The shoes are kind of an alternative to regular ballerina flats. If you're getting a bit cold you can just put on a leather jacket or a denim jacket.  
I think this outfit is perfect to wear on a night out or to a dinner. 

Top: Topshop
Skirt: Asos (River Island)
Shoes: Asos (New Look)


This outfit is just so girly and cute! Every girl needs at least one playsuit and one kimono. It are just the most comfortable things ever. (Except when it comes to going to the toilet, playsuits can be the worst things ever then!) Also , the white playsuit looks even more cute with a tanned skin.
Kimonos can make a plain outfit a lot cuter, they also come in really handy when it's getting a bit chillier. 
And the shoes are just sooooo adorable! I really love them. Once again, it are the regular ballerina flats with a cute twist to them (:

Kimono: Boohoo
                                                          Playsuit: Boohoo
                                                          Shoes: Forever 21

I am so in love with this one! 
The skirt is just sooooooo pretty and cute and adorable! And the top has kinda the same color as the flowers on the skirt and the white sandals match the skirt really well. I don't wanna brag but I'm just so proud of this outfit it's just really something I would wear! It's so girly and cute! And also perfect for summer!
The skirt is suuuuuupercheap btw!

Top: Boohoo
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Asos (New Look)


This outfit is kind of basic but oh so cute! The crop top with the lace daisies is so cute! I also really like the cut of it. (they have the top in 3 different colors if you don't like pink) The shorts are high waisted so you don't show too much skin. And the shoes, I just love the shoes, the minute I saw them I was like 'I NEED THEM!' The thing about the shoes is; you either really like them or you really think they're the ugliest things ever.
I really like them and it's something different than just normal sandals (:

Top: New Look
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: River Island

There you have it, four (in my opinion) fantastic outfit ideas for the summer!
I hope you like the oufits. Let me know in the comments which one is you're favourite and if you're going to buy any of the items (:

Thank you!
xoxo, Cato

(follow me on twitter: @xCato__)

Thursday 17 July 2014


It is that time of the year again where a lot of people (including myself) go on holiday. Going on holiday comes with a lot of excitement but also a lot of stress! What do you have to pack? How much do you have to pack? I think you know what I mean (: 
Since I'm leaving for France this Saturday and am currently dealing with all these problems myself, I thouht it might be a good idea to give you a few tips (:

 The most important thing is to plan everything really well! If you want to meet up with your friends before you leave, make sure you've planned that on time (mainly so your parents won't get annoyed with you because you know, they have even more stress then you). If you have to clean your your room, do that on time so when it's time to pack, there won't be anything you need still in the laundry. (believe me, I've dealt with that!) And ofcourse it's always nicer to come home to a clean room than a messy room isn't it? (:

Now, packing! Just like everything else, start packing on time, not the night before you have to leave! Start packing at least 2 days before you leave, I know it seems a lot in advance but if you do that, you'll know if you need to buy or wash anything and you'll also be sure you've got everything with you. What I also like to do is to make a list of things I want/need to put in my suitcase, it makes me feel more sure that I packed everything I need.
But what exactly do you have to pack?
If you're going to somewhere hot, you obviously have to pack clothes for hot weather, but also 1 pair of long trousers, you never know! Also pack enough, it's better to have too much with you than to come short on something. If you're travelling with your parents, ask them if they're going to take all things hygiene (like soap, toothbrush, towels, etc.) In my familiy we always have one bag with all those things. 
Besides clothes and other necessary things, you also have to pack things to keep you busy, I usually take a few books with me to read in the sun. This year I'm also taking my laptop with me (If my parents let me) to keep my blog updated! We also take some board games and fun films with us. And ofcourse: a camera to take beautiful pictures which will later become memories (:

There you have it, I hope this post helped at least a few of you, let me know in the comments how you prepair for your holiday and where you're going this year. If you're not going anywhere, let me know where you'd like to go and what you'd pack (:

xoxo, Cato
(follow me on twitter: @xCato__ )