Saturday 19 December 2015

Gift guide for him

It's only six days until Christmas! How exciting is that? I reallycan't wait! But, you might be stressing out because you didn't buy a gift for your loved one or your friend, don't worry, I'm here to help you! If you're buying a gift for your boyfriend, I know how hard it is! I had all these crazy ideas but they were all just too expensive and since I'm not rich, I went for a cheaper alternative and he absolutely loved it! I got him a sweater, a chewbacca onesie and a phone case and he couldn't be any happier. So don't worry, it will be okay! You don't have to buy one big present, you can buy seperate gifts and he will love it! Okay, enough rambling, let's begin!

Jumper, I bought one for my boyfriend and he loves it! (at least that's what he tells me) It doesn't have to be a Christmas jumper, but if your (boy)friend loves Christmas, a Christmas jumper is perfect! But for those who don't want to walk outside with a crazy Christmas jumper, there are as I call them 'socially acceptable Christmas jumpers'
Btw, has anyone else noticed Primark has a lot more christmas jumpers for men than for women?
This is the one I gave my boyfriend
Pyjama's  I know, you've thought about this a few times but everytime you thought 'no, that's stupid' believe me, I've been there! But honestly, it really isn't! So go ahead, buy those checkered pyjama bottoms you've been wanting to buy him since the beginning of December!
You can even steal them if you want to!
Boxers, and you can get really creative with this one, because a lot of brands have christmas edition boxers and I absolutely love them!
Don't judge, I love them
Speaker your (boy)friend wouldn't be human if he doesn't like to listen to music, so what better to buy than a mini speaker? He could take it everywhere with him and it just looks adorable!
Fragrance, we all like to smell nice, so boys do too, and some fragrances are more expensive than others but they are definetely worth it!
Concert tickets, is the band he has been raving about coming near you and didn't he get any tickets yet? Perfect! This the opportunity to buy them and surprise him with them! Or do you guys have 'your song' and is the artist of it performing near you? Even more perfect! He will never see it coming but he will love it!

Cinema tickets, have you been talking about 'that film you really need to watch' ? Buy some cinema tickets and go watch it! 

Something personal, every relationship/friendship is different, there are things you two have talked about a lot and things like that, so just think and maybe you'll find the perfect gift that describes that person or your relationship, doesn't have to be expensive at all, if it has an emotional value, it's the best gift someone could've ever imagined!

Okay, those were all my ideas for gifts for him, I hope I gave you a little bit of inspiration so your christmas shopping is a little less stressful! Good luck with the hunt for the perfect gift! You'll do a great job! Let me know in the comments what you are gonna buy your (boy)friend for christmas or just gifts that popped in your mind that you think others will find useful!


Friday 11 December 2015

Gift guide for her

Earlier today, I was planning a shopping trip with one my friends and she was like 'you'll have to help me find some gifts for christmas because I really don't know what to buy'. And she probably isn't the only person with that problem, so I thought, why not help some of you out by writing a 'gift guide'. Today it's gonna be one for women but later this week, there'll be one for men, so don't worry. Let's begin shall we?

♥ Christmas jumper, if you've got a Christmas party a few days before Christmas and you're friend is a Christmas fanatic aka someone like me, she will be thrilled to receive one of these! You can basically find them everywhere! But be quick because they are selling out very fast! 
'Spa kit': buy her all kinds of skincare products, body lotions, face masks, bath bombs etc... This might seem like a very lame present but honestly, I would LOVE to receive one of these because sometimes you just really wanna relax and go all out with the products.

Cosy dressing gown: Nothing's more fun than cozying up in a soft and warm dressing gown and just watching your favourite Christmas film! You can go crazy and buy one with a fun print on it or you can just keep it simple with a plain one
Slippers:  I really feel like there's a theme going on here haha but hey, you can't blame me. Who doesn't like warm fuzzy slippers? I absolutely love them tbh. You can either stay in the Christmas theme or go for ones they can wear all year 'round
Hot water bottle + socks set: once again, a hot water bottle might seem like a lame gift, but if you're a girl and you suffer from 'that time of the month' this can be the best thing you've ever gotten, believe me! And hot water bottles come in all shapes and sizes so there are some really cute ones! And when I search hot water bottle on Asos, most of them come with some fuzzy socks so that's a nice extra 'cause who doesn't like socks?
Perfume: If you really want to spoil someone, buy them a nice perfume. I know perfumes can be tricky but if you have to buy a gift for someone you know really well, this can be perfect. I recently discovered the 'Si' perfume by Giorgio Armani and I really like the smell of it!
Make up: If you are buying something for someone who loves to do their make up, this can be a gift from heaven. And a lot of make up brands are making some really amazing gift sets so you don't even have to put one together yourself
Anything from Zoella beauty and I'm not just saying this because I absolutely love Zoe, but because her products really are amazing!

Something you made yourself: if you search for cute diy gifts on Pinterest, I guarantee you, there will be something you're able to do. And I think that gifts you made yourself are very sweet and have that thing that other gifts don't have and that's just the fact that you put so much time and effort in to it.

Something personal: if you are really close with the person you have to buy a gift for, think about what is typical for your friendship/relationship and try to buy something that describes your relationship. 

Those are only some of the ideas I have, but if I would put everything in here you would be sitting here until Christmas. I hope you liked this post and you found some ideas. I love writing posts like these so I hope you love reading them! 
Let me know in the comments what you are gonna buy for Christmas or what you would really want to receive!


Twitter: @xCato__

Saturday 5 December 2015

Where the hell have I been?!

Sorryyyyy guys, I know in my last post, I said that I was gonna post more frequently and I didn't really do that... But it's one of my New Year's resolution, promised! I have just been really bussy with school and work and life basically,  but I know that's not an excuse. I did think of my blog a lot, but I didn't reall have an idea or plan or idk so I never really did something, until now, yay! In this post I'm just gonna tell you about me, my life, what's been going on etc... Wow that sounds really deep and serious and that's not what this post is gonna be haha. I just thought I'd give you a little update (:

So in September, I started my last year of high school and it's kinda crazy to think I'll be in university next year because I literally feel like I just turned 12 or something. It's crazy to think that this time next year, everything will be different and I'll have so many new friends but I'll also lose some current friends and I don't really want that because I'm quite satisfied with my life as it is right now. So I'm really excited to go to uni next year but also kinda scared, but those are worries for later! Right now, I have to focus on my exams, if you are reading this and you're in the middle of your exams as well, come on, you can do it! Just believe in yourself and before you know it, it's Christmas!
Enough school talk, let's talk about my trip to Rome, holy crap, have you ever been there? It is soooo petty! I went there with my parents and my sister the first week of November and I absolutely loved it! I'm not gonna tell you too much because there is a very big chance there will be a post about that too, if I can ever get my hands on the pictures because they are on my sister's camera (even though I took like 95% of the pictures) But I can assure you, Rome is a very lovely city!
You know what I also did? I found a job, yes I did haha. I was tired of being broke af all the time so I finally decided to send an email to the place where my sister and brothers were already working and I got a reply that I could start there, I work as a waitress and I kinda enjoy it. And not only because I'm making money haha.
I'm thinking of more things I've done but I can't really think of any, that's how interesting my life has been.
But I do have a lot of really exciting things planned for when my exams are over! I've got two christmas parties planned with some friends and I'm going to a christmas market with my boyfriend. I am a really big Christmas fan so I couldn't be more excited! Oh, one more thing, I put up the Christmas tree yesterday and I have to say, I'm pretty damn proud of myself. My parents went to Trier, Germany for two days and I begged them to buy a Christmas tree so I could decorate while they were gone, at first, they weren't really that into it, but they finally had to give in because they realised I wasn't gonna stop asking. So yesterday, when I came home, I put on my christmas jumper, put on some christmas music and decorated the tree. And the result is amazing, even if I say so myseld. My grandparents brought us some food today and my grandpa said 'that's probably one of the most beautiful christmas trees I've seen here' sooo yeah, pretty proud!

Anyways, that was it, it was kinda all over the place but I like reading posts like this and I also really enjoy writing them. I hope you enjoyed this one and I can assure you there will be some festive  posts coming, so get excited for that! See you soon! (hopefully)


P.S.: Be nice and leave a comment if you're feeling nice, can be anything, what you think about my blog, questions, .. you can even post a joke if you're really feeling it.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Autumn outfit ideas

It's that time of the year again when the leaves start falling of the trees and the days are getting colder. That's right, autumn is slowly starting. And with a new season come new outfits. I recently went on a shopping trip and I saw all these pretty new clothes in the shops and I thought 'yep, it's time for an outfit post!' So here it is, some outfits to inspire you for autumn, enjoy!

I can't be the only one that noticed this type of skirts literally everywhere. You mostly see them in a brown colour but I love the black version as well. I paired it with a white striped top and some lovely ankle boots! If my mom gives me permission, I will own these shoes in a couple of weeks.
If you live in a counry like me, where it gets kinda cold during autumn, you can put some tights on and you are ready to go (:

Top: New Look
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: Asos

I love everything about this outfit! Especially the coat and the shoes. I am in love with this kind of coats and if I could I would own a hundred of them! I think the colour of the coat matches the shirt perfecly. And the shoes are perfect for a sunny autumn day because the shoes have a peep toe and a bare ankle.

Top: New Look
Trousers: New Look
Coat: River Island
Shoes: River Island

Last, but not least! The main focus here is obviously on the very pretty skirt! I think this skirt just screams autumn :)
I paired it with a basic black shirt and some very classy shoes!

Top: New Look
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: New Look

These outfits are not everybody's cup of tea, obviously, but it are three outfits that I would definitely wear myself! Let me know which one is your favourite and what you are looking forward most in autumn!
I'll see you next time!


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Sunday 12 July 2015


Heyyyy, it has been almost 3 months since I last posted something.. I know, shame on me but you know, I was kinda busy living my life and studying for my finals (I passed btw)
But that aside, about two months ago, I went to London with my school. I had such a great time there! I had never been to London before but I'm definitely going back! I even want to live there when I'm older.
We stayed there for 5 days and our hotel was the 'Rest up hotel' , it wasn't the best but we were barely in our room so that's not a big deal (:
Anyway, i'm gonna stop rambling because there are a lot of pictures so this is gonna be a long blogpost! I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed London!

DAY 1: Arriving, London Bridge & boat ride on the Thames

As always, I packed way too much but since we were travelling with the Eurostar, there was no weight limit, yay! Anyways, before I headed to the train station, my friend came over to pick one of my dresses since she needed one for the musical and then we both got on the bus to the train station. We got on the train to Brussels and then we headed for the Eurostar. We were on the Eurostar for about 2 hours and the main thing I did was sleep, what did you expect? When we arrived in London, we had to take the tube to our hotel and I felt so bad for the other people on the tube because they were totally stuck.
Once we arrived in the hotel we had a while to settle down before we headed to the city. The first thing we did was going to the Tower Bridge, as one does when in London. We also saw it open btw, we were all so happy I don't know why. Then we walked across the Tower Bridge to the place where the boats leave (I have no idea what that's called). The boat went across the Thames (obviously) and we saw the Big Ben, the London Eye, the gherkin, ... And we had the greatest guide ever so that was fun. After that we were free to go to dinner wherever we wanted and then we had to go to Trafalgar Square to get some info and wander around on Trafalgar. Then we walked trough Soho (the China town from London) and headed back to the hotel and get some sleep. The first night was quite horrible as our room was right near the street (we bought ear plugs the day after)
Just me drinking some water

Look at us being cute in front of the Tower Bridge

There you go, an open Tower Bridge

On the boat, yay (that's the Big Ben btw)

I'm so artistic

Not gonna lie, I am quite proud of this picture

Walking trough Soho (that's not me btw)
DAY 2: St. Paul's, city game & evening walk trough the economic part of London

We had to wake up way too early because we had to be on time at breakfast (which was absolutely horrible but my friend took a jar of Nutella with her so everything was fine).
The first thing we did was visit St. Paul's and I have to say, I was impressed. But the stairs were driving me crazy, I almost fell like 3 times, that's how freaking dizzy I was. And after St. Paul's we had a city game, a whole afternoon but it was fun! There were all kinds of things we had to do or find, it was awesome. Then when that was over, we all had to gather and had a briefing. We went for dinner and then we went to the economic part of London and had an evening walk. Everybody was cold but that's okay we had a good time. After the walk, we went to our hotel and then straight to bed because we were all exhausted.
On top of St. Paul's

Love that view

I have to say, I'm quite good at photobombing

The Gherkin

I can't remember what this is sorry

Tower Bridge by night
DAY 3 Political London, Madamme Tussauds & 'the commitments' musical:

It was raining the whole freaking day. But you know, that's London I guess?
The day started with a good old walk trough political London and got some info about all the buildings and stuff, it was interesting. Then normally, we were going to see the change of guards at Buckingham Palace, but because it was raining too hard, it was cancelled. But that gave us more time to eat before we had to go to Madame Tussauds. And guess what? We had a cheeky Nando's , yuppp. Then we realized we still had some time left so we went to Harrods and bought teddy bears haha we are so grown up. When we were at Madame Tussauds we had to wait for what seemed like forever. But that was okay, we made the best of it. When we finally got in, I was surprised, the wax figures looked even more real than I thought they would, it was freaking me out. When we were waiting in line to get in Madame Tussauds we had the great idea to rush to Primark after because we didn't have any shoes to wear to the musical because we were prepared for good weather, not rain. So we quickly went trough Madame Tussauds and then went to Primark and then to the hotel to get ready for the musical. Everybody was looking fab.
Wanna know a funny story? When we were getting on the tube to get to the musical, I was walking right behind my friend and when she got on she yelled 'Cato, my shoe!' and I looked down but I couldn't see it. So she got of and we saw that her shoe had fallen on the rails. We didn't know what to do so we kinda just stood there in panick but the teachers told us there was nothing we could do so we got back on the tube. One of my other friends put another pair of shoes in her handbag because she didn't want to walk in the rain with heels so she gave the shoes she was wearing to the one that had lost her shoe and put on her heels. When we were walking to the musical (I was full of guilt) my friend suddenly calls my name and when I turn around, she is holding the shoe she had lost earlier on. Turns out, two teachers stayed behind and one of them got the shoe of the rails.
But anyways, the Commitments is a very good musical, I really enjoyed it (:

I wasn't happy about the rain

At least I saw Buckingham Palace

Highlight of the day, I look like a kid in a candy store

Yup, Tinkerbel is in Madame Tussauds
DAY 4: Science museum, free afternoon (aka shopping) and party boat

We could choose between 6 museums and I chose for the science museum, I don't have any pictures of it but it was a lot of fun (:
When we got out of the museum, we were free to do whatever we wanted so ofcourse, we went  shopping. In Primark ofcourse. I bought a lot but I love every thing of it! And it is so cheap like what the hell, this was my first time in Primark (I know, should've gone sooner) and I was shocked. Then we headed to the hotel to get ready for the party boat. Yes you read that right, we had a party boat, guess my school is kinda cool after all. I had such a great time on that boat. I never would've thought I could party that hard without any alcohol (we couldn't drink alcohol since we're not 18 yet). Here's another fun story. Me and  my friend requested a song but they weren't sure they were gonna play it. So I went to the to the toilet and suddenly my friend start banging on my door that I had to hurry up because they were playing our song. I never peed that fast in my life, ever. #tmi
We were all so tired when we got back to the hotel we just went straight to bed.
Everyone looks so weird in this picture


Just me and my best friend being cute

Haha I don't even know if you can see anything

Beautiful bridge by night
DAY 5: Camden town & going home

The last day was one of the best days. I absolutely love Camden! And on the food market, we bought the best wraps I have ever tasted! I just love everything about Camden, the markets, the unique shops, etc. Btw, we went to Starbucks there and they wrote my name as 'Katol' what the hell?
But then it was time to go to the hotel and get our suitcases and go back home.
But I guess the train ride was fun? My best friend and I were listening to music and we were singing along (without actually singing out loud) and it was hilarious.

I guess it was a love song

We should be singers

Oreo chocolate is the best

So that's it, that was my trip to London. It was the first time I went there but I absolutely loved it and I am definetely going back! One thing I also liked a lot about London is the tube, I don't know why but I really enjoyed taking the tube. Anyways, London is a gorgeous city and I am in love with it!
Sorry if this was a long blogpost, believe me, it could've been a lot longer!
But I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you soon! (that's a promise, I'm not gonna wait another 3 months!)


P.S.: you may have noticed a change in my layout. I absolutely love it and my lovely boyfriend made it for me, he is the best! 
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