Tuesday 30 September 2014

Are you happy? ☺

If the answer to the question in the titel is no, read this post, it's full of tips that can make you happier  (: I hope it helps (:
Note: You can also read it if the answer is yes, so you can keep some tips in mind

♥Count your blessings: Just think about the moments/things you are grateful for. These don't have to be big, it's all in the little things! (:

♥Relax: After a stresful day, it's nice to just sit down and do nothing! What I like to do when I'm feeling down or if I just want to relax is taking a bath And just basically pampering myself . (Especially with Lush products)

♥Love: Give love to the people that you like and take the love that is given to you! And I'm not only talking about the 'boyfriend-girlfriend' kind of love, but just love in general (from a friend, your family,...)

♥Achieve your goals (or get closer to achieving them): Once again, those goals don't have to be huge. A small goal like 'get good grades' or 'make my hair look fab for 1 day' can be enough!

♥Write: If you are feeling sad about something, write about it, it helps. I have this little notebook where I write down all of my 'problems'. Even the small and silly ones (:

♥Talk: If writing doesn't help and you want someone to give you advice or anything, talking to a good friend also helps. Don't ever feel like they will be annoyed or that you're bothering them, they really aren't! Friends are there to talk to (:

♥Lower your expectations: Sometimes you feel disappointed when something doesn't go the way you wanted it to go. If you just wouldn't have had high expectations, you wouldn't have been disappointed (: Just don't expext anything, you'll always be happy by the way it turns out! (:

♥Smile! If other people see you smiling, they will start smiling as well (:

♥And last but not least: DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!

This was just a quick little blog post that I have been wanting to do for a long time (: I hope you liked it and that some these tips helped you (:
If you have some other tips, let me know in the comments! I would love to know what you do to make yourself happy (:

Have a good day!
xoxo, Cato

P.S.: A September favourites blog post is coming soon! (: